4.6.8. Clipboard, keystrokes and much more

You can always extend NppExec's functionality by using different external tools.

For example:

The list of such useful programs can go on and on - and the main idea here is the ability of "communication" between these programs and NppExec. As you can use different tools with different parameters and then retrieve and process the produced output, there theoretically is no limit of what you can achieve by this approach. This reminds us the section [3.1]: "So, generally speaking, NppExec is a tool" - and what this tool can do for you depends on how you use it. So use it wisely :)

See also: Working with the Notepad++ 'Replace' dialog [4.6.13]; Notepad++ as a Clipboard Monitor [4.6.14]; NppExec's Console as a Log Viewer [4.6.18].