3.2. Do something (intro)

The main principle of NppExec is the same as Notepad++'es "Run..." command (F5): to execute a command given. Usually it means to run some program/tool with specified parameters which can be passed in a form of Notepad++'es environment variables. For example, it allows you to launch your current file in Internet Explorer or to compile your current file using certain compiler. NppExec provides additional abilities for this:

- it has a Console window to show the console program's output

- it allows you to execute several commands one after another

- it supports all Notepad++'es environment variables plus several own variables

- it has additional commands which allow you to do more than you expect :)

- it is cool :)

NppExec actually provides four different ways to execute some command(s):

  1. using NppExec's Console [3.5] - allows you to enter some command and execute it by pressing Enter;
  2. using the dialog "Execute NppExec Script..." [3.6] - allows you to enter several commands (which will be executed one after another) and to save these commands as NppExec's script;
  3. using NppExec's command "npp_exec <script>" - allows you to execute commands from existing NppExec's script [3.7];
  4. using NppExec's command "npp_exec <file>" - allows you to execute commands from existing text file [3.7].

By the way, NppExec uses the 3rd way (described above) for its menu items which allow you to execute some NppExec's script.


NppExec by itself understands only its own internal commands and environment variables. When you type another command, such as "copy", "cmd" or "calc", NppExec tries to run it as a child process - i.e. it performs CreateProcess(...) and waits until this process ends. (Note: NppExec ver. 0.6 RC3 introduces a new advanced option "ChildProcess_RunPolicy" that allows to modify this behavior. Refer to [4.4] for more details.)

When you type something like "npp_run cmd" or "npp_run calc", NppExec tries to run specified command (the argument of npp_run) as an external process - i.e. it performs ShellExecute(...) and does not care about this process.